Grenade has never been one to back down from a challenge. Be it smashing world records, fighting to keep gyms open, or supporting our Team Grenade members in achieving their own ground-breaking feats, embracing the unexpected is woven into our very DNA.
Year on year, Grenade continues to break into the unknown. 2023 has already seen us drop the legendary OREO Protein Bar, which has taken the nutrition space by storm, as well as our recent Chocolate Salted Caramel Protein Shake launch.
But now, it’s time to go one step further.
We’re looking to arm up the ultimate recruits in our ‘Built for the Biggest of Challenges’ campaign. If you’re attempting an epic fitness feat, or know and individual or group that is, let us know below and earn yourself the chance to a supply care package from Grenade!
Check out some of the ongoing and recent campaigns Grenade supports!