Grenade® chocolate protein truffles

Need a little nudge in the kitchen? So did football freestyler and funny guy Daniel Cutting. Just like you, Dan was keen to learn how to make healthy snacks to fuel his busy, active lifestyle so we got fitness influencer and nutritionist Lainey Griffin to show him the ropes and teach him how to make these tasty protein truffles!

Fancy giving these healthier, guilt-free treats a go for yourself? Give the below video a watch to find out how!

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2 Carb Killa® Go Nuts™ bars
50g Carb Killa spread, Milk Chocolate
25g Hydra 6® protein powder, Chocolate Charge
20ml Sukrin gold fibre syrup
35g dark chocolate chips



First, blitz up the two Carb Killa® Go Nuts™ bars in a blender until they are a powdery consistency


Add the Carb Killa® spread, the Hydra 6® protein powder and the Sukrin gold fibre syrup to the blender and blend into the Go Nuts® bar powder. This will form your ‘truffle mixture’. If it is too hard, you can add a small amount of water or milk to soften the mixture slightly


Using a small ice cream scoop, scoop the mixture into ball shapes – you can then use your hands to perfect the shape of the truffle balls


After this, place the balls onto a baking tray and place in the freezer to harden


While the balls in the freezer, melt the dark chocolate chips in the microwave – keep an eye on it so it doesn’t burn!


Once the chocolate is melted and your balls have hardened slightly, roll the balls in the dark chocolate so they are completely covered


Next, place the balls back onto the baking tray and place into the freezer until set


Once the chocolate has set, the truffles are ready to enjoy! They’re perfect for at home or on the go guilt-free indulgence!

How to make healthy snacks - chocolate truffles protein recipe

We’d love to see your protein truffle creations so be sure to tag us in your photos on Instagram: @grenadeofficial.

Make sure you follow Dan and Lainey on their Instagram channels for more fun, food and football. You can also visit the blog for more delicious protein snack recipes.

How to make healthy snacks - chocolate truffles protein recipe